Home Java Collection Framework

Java Collection Framework

The collections framework is a unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections, enabling them to be manipulated independently of the details of their representation. It reduces programming effort while increasing performance. It enables interoperability among unrelated APIs, reduces effort in designing and learning new APIs, and fosters software reuse. The framework is based on more than a dozen collection interfaces. It includes implementations of these interfaces and algorithms to manipulate them.

title: Collection Framework
    Iterable <|-- Collection
    Collection <|-- Set
    AbstractCollection <|-- AbstractList
    Collection <|-- Queue
    Queue <|-- Deque
    RandomAccess <|.. Vector
    AbstractSequentialList <|-- LinkedList
    AbstractList <|-- AbstractSequentialList
    List <|.. Vector
    AbstractList <|-- Vector
    List <|.. LinkedList
    Deque <|.. LinkedList
    Collection <|-- List
    List <|.. ArrayList
    RandomAccess <|.. ArrayList
    Collection <|.. AbstractCollection
    List <|.. AbstractList
    AbstractList <|-- ArrayList
    AbstractSet <|-- HashSet
    Set <|.. HashSet
    Set <|.. AbstractSet
    Set <|.. LinkedHashSet
    HashSet <|-- LinkedHashSet
    NavigableSet <|.. TreeSet
    AbstractSet <|-- TreeSet
    AbstractSet <|-- EnumSet
    SortedSet <|-- NavigableSet
    Set <|-- SortedSet

    class Iterable
    <<interface>> Iterable
    class Collection
    <<interface>> Collection
    class AbstractCollection
    <<Abstract>> AbstractCollection
    class AbstractList
    <<Abstract>> AbstractList
    class RandomAccess
    <<interface>> RandomAccess
    class List
    <<interface>> List
    class AbstractSequentialList
    <<Abstract>> AbstractSequentialList
    class Deque
    <<interface>> Deque
    class Queue
    <<interface>> Queue
    class Set
    <<interface>> Set
    class AbstractSet
    <<abstract>> AbstractSet
    class EnumSet
    <<abstract>> EnumSet
    class NavigableSet
    <<interface>> NavigableSet
    class SortedSet
    <<interface>> SortedSet
    Hashtable <|-- Properties
    Dictionary <|-- Hashtable
    Map <|.. AbstractMap
    AbstractMap <|-- HashMap
    HashMap <|-- LinkedHashMap
    Map <|.. LinkedHashMap
    Map <|.. HashMap
    Map <|-- SortedMap
    SortedMap <|-- NavigableMap
    NavigableMap <|.. TreeMap
    Map <|.. Hashtable
    AbstractMap <|-- TreeMap

    class Map
    class AbstractMap
    <<abstract>> AbstractMap
    class NavigableMap
    <<interface>> NavigableMap
    class SortedMap
    <<interface>> SortedMap
    class Dictionary
    <<abstract>> Dictionary


oracle.com java se 8 collections

oracle.com java se 8 collections reference

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